Dee is a painter/drawer/stenciler who worries that he should wax lyrical about art stuff all the time, but doesn't because he doesn't know to. But he is full of opinions. If opinions had value, he'd be rich. He likes to paint, draw, build, create, he enjoys repetition, the art of stencil cutting, the laying down of the paint, watching it dry. The feel of the brush/pen/pallete knife on the canvas. To build up a pic slowly until he likes what he sees. He does it, because it's pleasing to the eye, hence his use of bright colours, often contrasted with monochrome, which he thinks is pleasing. He's not trying to change the world, he reckons that's a job for other far more interesting people. His philosophy is, If he can at least make the world a little brighter, than that's good enough. He says, the greatest compliment anyone can pay an artist is to say "That's nice, I'd like that in my home."
Art work by Dee