WE ARE FAMILY - Free Art Download | Upfest

WE ARE FAMILY - Free Art Download


DOWNLOAD HERE (Personal Use)

WE ARE FAMILY - Original Artwork by long standing festival artist OLI-T and painted at UPFEST 2017 

This statement pretty much sums up what life is all about and indeed applies to the Upfest Family as much as any.

Download, Print It, Stick it in your window! Let everyone know we're all in this together.

bigUP Oli-T you're in our FAMILY!



Its all about colour - pigment and light - oh and a splash of creative typography.A very early adopter of graffiti, I first started painting walls in Bristol during the early eighties. Went to Art School to study fine art, then had to make some money. I started working as a graphic designer, cutting my design teeth on flyers for clubs and raves etc. For the past 20 years I have mostly produced digital artwork. Recently I have returned to painting working with text and colour using contemporary urban art techniques.

Download provided for personal use only:  Oli-T (c) 2020

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